The 2018 Arc Race Commercials

Hey Guys! I recently finished the Arc Race commercials and they’re going to be shown on television starting tomorrow and running through Labor Day.

Arc of Onondaga purchased advertising time on ten different cable channels, including Hallmark, Bravo, TLC, E! Entertainment, Lifetime, TVLand and several other channels.

The Arc Race helps raise money to fund so many programs that Arc of Onondaga does for people in the community. Won’t you do your part and sign up for the race? Click at the link below!

Just set up my LinkedIn Profile

I am an avid user of social media, and have over 1500 followers on my YouTube personal page.  I am also active on Twitter and Facebook for my business, JVR Productions.  So I figured it was about time that I set up a page on LinkedIn, too.   Here’s the link:

Jordan Van Ryn – Linked In profile

So please by stop and check out my experience.  If I have worked with you before, I would be very grateful if you would provide me with a review of how I did working for you.

Thanks very much, and I want to let you know that I am now looking for an entry-level position doing video production and social media communications beginning in January.  Thank you in advance for any leads or referrals!





Started My New Internship Today!

Today is my first day working at Arc of Onondaga, a wonderful not-for-profit organization that provides all sorts of programs and assistance to disabled people in Central New York.  I will be working for Joanna Jewett in the Public Relations Department, working on videos to promote their good work.  Here is a link to their web site:

Also, to my entrepreneur friends:  I will still be working to help start-up businesses get off the ground and get recognition and visibility for their work.  I have shot four episodes of my new series of commercials for start-ups called “One Minute Start-Up”.   Here is a sample for you to check out.   This is Luka Negoita telling you about his company, HabitU.

In September, I will begin working Wednesdays at Syracuse Co-Works, located on Jefferson Street in Downtown Syracuse, about a block from the Tech Garden.  Once we get into September, feel free to stop by to chat about your business, and let me know if there is anything I can do to help tell your story.