Arc Race Commercial Project

Hey everyone, I have very big news!

I’m currently working on a new commercial project for a charity fundraiser event for Arc of Onondaga. We will be shooting commercials to promote the Arc Race that is happening this fall in Syracuse.

The good news is that the four commercials I’m working will be shown on Local TV News!  I’m very excited about this.

When you see commercials for the Arc Race, you’ll know it’s JVR Productions.  So if you live in Central New York, be sure to keep a look out for the commercials for the Arc Race!

Thank you and don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel for future updates.

JVR Productions Youtube Channel:

Finished Another Video Shoot for Melvin & Melvin!

Hi, everybody!  I recently finished editing a series of videos for a Matrimonial and Family Law lawyer at Melvin & Melvin named Joe Morawski.   The shoot went very well, and we got four good videos that Melvin will start using soon in social media.  Here’s a link to one of the videos:

I am very grateful to Melvin & Melvin for the opportunity to continue to shoot videos for the firm.  I also appreciate how much I’m learning about how to handle video subjects to get them to relax, to get them to project and emote, and not make them too nervous while you are filming.  Practice makes perfect!

Ladies Night at The Palace Theater 2017

Back in November, I filmed a benefit concert for Vera House, a non-profit organization that helps victims of domestic violence here in Central New York. The concert was promoted by Red Shoes Black Bag Productions and my friend, Joanna Jewett.

I’m really proud to have helped this great cause, show off the talents of these amazing women and to have had the opportunity to share their concert with you.

Be sure to check out their website,


Arc of Onondaga Dunkin Run

Hi, folks!  I just finished up my latest video for Arc of Onondaga.

We filmed the recent event sponsored by Dunkin Donuts. Over 2,000 people attended, with nearly 1,000 people running to help raise money for programs to assist disabled people in our community. The highlight of the event was the partner runs, where runners pushed disabled people in 3 wheeled strollers to make them part of the race.

Two local radio personalities, Amy Robbins of 93Q and Dave Frisina of 105 FM – The Rebel, both provided their talents in doing the voice over for the video.  My boss Joanna Jewett will be using it as a fundraising tool for this wonderful organization.  Please check out the video, linked below, and make a donation to Arc of Onondaga.  Thank you!


Success Takes Teamwork

Success Takes Teamwork!  One of the things I have learned so far in my career is that it takes good communication, patience and teamwork to have a successful creative project.

I learned this at internships at the Syracuse Tech Garden and the Blackstone Launchpad at Syracuse University, a university-wide business incubator for student start-ups.  I also learned this over the years watching one of my favorite shows, Faceoff, on the SyFy Channel.

For those of you who have never seen it, Face Off is a show where people from all walks of life participate in a movie special effects make-up competition.

The show teaches you how to take constructive criticism (i.e. “client feedback”).  It shows you the importance of effective time management, and listening closely to instructions. It’s the best kind of “reality show” – one that showcases people’s talents in a respectful setting, where people learn how to become professionals at their craft.

I have watched all 9 seasons of Face Off, and it has really influenced how I have grown in terms of working with my clients.  It’s all about good communications.

The other aspect of teamwork on creative projects is to understand that different people in a team may each have different areas of expertise, and different talents. I am a person with Asperger’s Syndrome – high functioning autism – and so I see things a little differently than other people.

But we each have our strengths and weaknesses, and we are stronger when we can work together respectfully and learn from one another.  That’s my definition of teamwork!