Arc Race Commercial Project

Hey everyone, I have very big news!

I’m currently working on a new commercial project for a charity fundraiser event for Arc of Onondaga. We will be shooting commercials to promote the Arc Race that is happening this fall in Syracuse.

The good news is that the four commercials I’m working will be shown on Local TV News!  I’m very excited about this.

When you see commercials for the Arc Race, you’ll know it’s JVR Productions.  So if you live in Central New York, be sure to keep a look out for the commercials for the Arc Race!

Thank you and don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel for future updates.

JVR Productions Youtube Channel:

Just set up my LinkedIn Profile

I am an avid user of social media, and have over 1500 followers on my YouTube personal page.  I am also active on Twitter and Facebook for my business, JVR Productions.  So I figured it was about time that I set up a page on LinkedIn, too.   Here’s the link:

Jordan Van Ryn – Linked In profile

So please by stop and check out my experience.  If I have worked with you before, I would be very grateful if you would provide me with a review of how I did working for you.

Thanks very much, and I want to let you know that I am now looking for an entry-level position doing video production and social media communications beginning in January.  Thank you in advance for any leads or referrals!





Lemonade from Lemons!

So, I was working on a new project, and I discovered to my horror afterwards that my fancy boom microphone had failed on a recent shoot!  OMG, I was devastated, on the verge of tears.  There was no audio of four hours of footage!

Then, I talked to my client and a friend who helps me on my projects, and I realized, “Hey, I can do this with a voice over.”  My client said they’ve never had anyone shoot this event before, and listening to people talk can be pretty boring anyway.

So I’m going to work up a script and cut it shorter than I originally intended.  And now I found out that my client is approaching a couple local radio personalities who were at the event to lend a hand with the voice over!

And so suddenly, there’s lemonade!

(And, no, Beyonce, we weren’t talking about you ….)  LOL

It’s all about learning from your mistakes.  So next time, I will be sure to check the battery in my boom mic, and check the indicator light on the top to make sure that it’s working properly.  Lesson learned.  On to the next one!

Success Takes Teamwork

Success Takes Teamwork!  One of the things I have learned so far in my career is that it takes good communication, patience and teamwork to have a successful creative project.

I learned this at internships at the Syracuse Tech Garden and the Blackstone Launchpad at Syracuse University, a university-wide business incubator for student start-ups.  I also learned this over the years watching one of my favorite shows, Faceoff, on the SyFy Channel.

For those of you who have never seen it, Face Off is a show where people from all walks of life participate in a movie special effects make-up competition.

The show teaches you how to take constructive criticism (i.e. “client feedback”).  It shows you the importance of effective time management, and listening closely to instructions. It’s the best kind of “reality show” – one that showcases people’s talents in a respectful setting, where people learn how to become professionals at their craft.

I have watched all 9 seasons of Face Off, and it has really influenced how I have grown in terms of working with my clients.  It’s all about good communications.

The other aspect of teamwork on creative projects is to understand that different people in a team may each have different areas of expertise, and different talents. I am a person with Asperger’s Syndrome – high functioning autism – and so I see things a little differently than other people.

But we each have our strengths and weaknesses, and we are stronger when we can work together respectfully and learn from one another.  That’s my definition of teamwork!

Hello world!

Today I am launching my new WordPress site, with my dad’s help. This will be quite an adventure!  Have patience while we add new features to my site in the coming weeks.

Here we go!