Arc of Onondaga Training Video

Back in April, I filmed a training video for Arc of Onondaga on “How To Clean a Bathroom”. I worked with Joanna Jewett and her Co-Workers to put together this project.

This video is supposed to teach people with Disabilities on how to work as a Janitor and how to take care of the job with dignity and respect.

Thank you to everyone at Arc of Onondaga for helping me put together this educational video!

Finished Another Video Shoot for Melvin & Melvin!

Hi, everybody!  I recently finished editing a series of videos for a Matrimonial and Family Law lawyer at Melvin & Melvin named Joe Morawski.   The shoot went very well, and we got four good videos that Melvin will start using soon in social media.  Here’s a link to one of the videos:

I am very grateful to Melvin & Melvin for the opportunity to continue to shoot videos for the firm.  I also appreciate how much I’m learning about how to handle video subjects to get them to relax, to get them to project and emote, and not make them too nervous while you are filming.  Practice makes perfect!

Melvin & Melvin – Tom Babcock, Estate Planning Lawyer

I got the opportunity to shoot some more commercials for my client, Melvin & Melvin. This time, I got to film Tom Babcock.

He was very lively and had a great sense of humor. His voice also sounded very trustworthy while I was filming him. I had a wonderful time  and I have another project for Melvin in the works.

Here’s one of the videos from Tom’s recent shoot.